Educational Materials Made Accessible
Help with EMMA sign-in

EMMA Account Help

Information about EMMA user accounts.

You must be signed in in order to submit a new remediated item, or to make changes to an existing repository entry.


By selecting Users from the navigation menu you can get information about your account's details, an overview of submission activity, and a sub-menu with actions you may perform.

Account Actions menu

The available functions are displayed at the top of each Users page as a set of buttons: Account action button panel ("Details", "Modify", "Org List") with "Details" highlighted, indicating that the current page lists information about the current account.

View details of your EMMA user account
Updating your EMMA user account
List your organization's EMMA user accounts
Updating an existing EMMA user account

Action Short Cuts

Each item listed on the Users page is associated with controls to manage that item (to the left of the item details on desktop displays; at the top of the screen on mobile displays):

β€œView this %{item}”
β€œModify this %{item}”
β€œRemove this %{item}”

Clicking on will redirect your browser to a new screen that allows you to view the associated item. You may use your browser "back" button to return to this screen.

Clicking on will redirect your browser to a new screen that allows you to modify the associated item.

Clicking on will redirect your browser to a new screen that will prompt you to delete the associated item.

If your account is not authorized to perform a particular action on an item, the associated icon will not be displayed for that item.

Details View details of your EMMA user account

This page shows the properties of your EMMA account and system information about account activity, including a listing of your EMMA submissions, and a listing of bulk upload submission manifests.

Items in each list are preceded by action short-cuts for working with that item.

Modify Updating your EMMA user account

This is a form that allows you to update your EMMA user account information.

As a protective measure, your Account ID is not changeable from this account. If you need this value changed, ask your EMMA member organization manager to change it for you. (Note that if you are using Shibboleth sign-on, this value must match the value sent by your identity provider.)
For EMMA accounts that are authenticated remotely, this must match the account name of the remote authentication provider.
Role: How this user interacts with the system.
See documentation for details. TBD.
Your Organization cannot be changed. If you have a situation where a member of your organization is moving to another EMMA member organization, please contact an EMMA administrator for help.
This value is 0 for Administrator (system) users.
First Name: Optional "given name" of the person associated with the EMMA user account.
Last Name: Optional "family name" of the person associated with the EMMA user account.
The Email field allows you to provide an address where you would prefer to receive any correspondence from EMMA. If your Account ID is identical to your email address then you should leave this field blank.

If this field is not given Account ID is assumed to be the email address.

(NOTE: This feature is not yet implemented.)

Telephone: Work telephone number for the person associated with the EMMA user account.
Address: Work mailing address for the person associated with the EMMA user account.
Status: EMMA membership status of the person associated with the EMMA user account.
Password: The password for the local EMMA account.
Unused when using a remote authentication provider.

Org List List your organization's EMMA user accounts

This is a listing of every user account associated with your EMMA member organization.

Each user in the list is preceded by action short-cuts for working with that EMMA user account.

Edit User Updating an existing EMMA user account

Because of your privileged account, you have the ability to make corrections or additions to other accounts in your EMMA member organization.

The Account ID can be changed as needed, however note that if the user intends to make use of Shibboleth sign-on, the value here must match the value returned by the identity provider.
For EMMA accounts that are authenticated remotely, this must match the account name of the remote authentication provider.
Role: How this user interacts with the system.
See documentation for details. TBD.
Your Organization cannot be changed. If you have a situation where a member of your organization is moving to another EMMA member organization, please contact an EMMA administrator for help.
This value is 0 for Administrator (system) users.
First Name: Optional "given name" of the person associated with the EMMA user account.
Last Name: Optional "family name" of the person associated with the EMMA user account.
The Email field allows you to provide an address where you would prefer to receive any correspondence from EMMA. If your Account ID is identical to your email address then you should leave this field blank.

If this field is not given Account ID is assumed to be the email address.

(NOTE: This feature is not yet implemented.)

Telephone: Work telephone number for the person associated with the EMMA user account.
Address: Work mailing address for the person associated with the EMMA user account.
Status: EMMA membership status of the person associated with the EMMA user account.
Password: The password for the local EMMA account.
Unused when using a remote authentication provider.