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EMMA Bulk Upload Help

Information on how to upload multiple items in EMMA.

You must be signed in in order to create, modify, or submit bulk uploads.


The bulk upload feature, an alternative to the single-upload submission form, allows you to submit an unlimited number of items simultaneously. The information and requirements for each item to submit are no different, but the two-phase process supports workflows in which EMMA submissions can be more easily integrated into your organization's practices and accommodating your own schedule.

The first phase, creating and updating the manifest, supports the ability to assemble items for submission one at a time or in batches, in one sitting or in multiple sessions. In this phase the system validates your items as you enter them and will report on each item's readiness for submission.

The second phase, manifest submission, supports unattended operation after providing file location information. Submitting only pre-validated manifest items ensures that all submitted items have the potential to become valid EMMA entries.

All of EMMA’s functionality related to working with bulk upload manifests and bulk submissions is available after selecting Bulk Uploads from the navigation menu. The Bulk Uploads main page displays all of the manifests that have been previously created under your account.

Manifest Actions menu

The available functions are displayed at the top of each Bulk Uploads page as a set of buttons: Bulk upload action button panel ("My List", "Org List", "Create", "Change", "Remove", and "Submit") with "My List" highlighted, indicating that the current page lists bulk upload manifests made by this account.

List your bulk upload manifests
List your organization's bulk upload manifests
Creating a new bulk upload manifest
Updating a bulk upload manifest
Removing a bulk upload manifest
Submit a bulk upload manifest

When you want to begin the process of sharing a large number of files all at once with the EMMA community, this can be done by clicking the Create button. Once the item(s) have been gathered into a manifest, items which have been validated and saved can be submitted all together.

Action Short Cuts

Each manifest listed on the Bulk Uploads page is associated with controls to manage that manifest (to the left of the manifest description on desktop displays; at the top of the screen on mobile displays):

“View this manifest”
“Modify this manifest”
“Remove this manifest”

Clicking on will redirect your browser to a new screen that allows you to view the associated item. You may use your browser "back" button to return to this screen.

Clicking on will redirect your browser to a new screen that allows you to modify the associated item.

Clicking on will redirect your browser to a new screen that will prompt you to delete the associated item.

If your account is not authorized to perform a particular operation on an item, associated icon will not be displayed for that item.

My List List your bulk upload manifests

This is a listing of all EMMA bulk upload manifests you have created in descending time order, starting with the one most recently created or modified.

Each manifest in the list is preceded by action short-cuts for working with that manifest.

Org List List your organization's bulk upload manifests

This is a listing of all EMMA bulk upload manifests created by members of your organization in descending time order, starting with the one most recently created or modified.

Each manifest in the list is preceded by action short-cuts for working with that manifest.

Create Creating a new bulk upload manifest

The interface for creating a new manifest is identical to modifying an existing manifest. Continue to "Working with bulk upload manifests" for help on adding and modifying manifest items.

Working with bulk upload manifests

A bulk submission manifest is a collection of items that can be submitted together to create multiple EMMA entries. A manifest is presented as an interactive grid with a row for each distinct remediated item to be submitted to EMMA and where each column represents a metadata field for that item (including a reference to the remediated file).

Manifest items can be provided in several ways:

Manifest title

When a manifest is started, a unique title is generated as a way to distinguish it from others you may have created. You can choose to keep this title or replace it clicking the Edit button next to it, which copies it into to an edit control where some or all of the characters can be replaced.

An example auto-generated manifest title, followed by an "Edit" button and a help button for the page. An example auto-generated manifest title being edited in a text input, followed by "Change" and "Cancel" buttons.

If you're satisfied, the Change button (or Enter key) will update the title; otherwise the Cancel button (or ESC key) will keep the title as it was. The title can be changed whenever you like. (Take care to provide a name that will let you distinguish it from other manifests you may have created.)

CSV file import

EMMA can fill manifest grid rows from the rows of an imported CSV ("comma-separated variable") file that has been exported from a spreadsheet (e.g. Microsoft Excel, or Google Sheets).

You can find detailed instructions for modifying an existing spreadsheet in the PDF Help document, “Depositing Remediated Resources” (available on the EMMA Help page). Alternatively, you can download this example Excel template file. (NOTE: updates may be released in the future.)

To begin, click the Import button which will open a "file chooser" for CSV files.

Once rows have been imported, any missing or problematic values need to be resolved manually in order to ensure that the new items have sufficient information to allow them to be automatically submitted.

Manual item creation

To create a new row at any point in the grid click the + (plus sign) and a new empty row will be inserted after that row.

Once your changes, additions, and deletions are as you like them, click the Save button to commit them. Uncommitted manifest items will be visible on the submission page, but they aren't eligible for submission.

Next Steps

After saving your manifest, you might be ready to submit the items it contains. In this case you may click the Submit button on that page to submit that manifest. Once your changes, additions, and deletions are as you like them, click the Save button to commit them. Uncommitted manifest items will be visible on the submission page, but they aren't eligible for submission.

Change Updating a bulk upload manifest

If you arrive at this page through the Manifest Actions Change button, you will be presented with a dropdown menu of your manifests in descending time order, starting with the one most recently created or modified. Select a manifest from the list to proceed.

The interface for editing an existing manifest is identical to creating a new manifest. Continue to "Working with bulk upload manifests" for help on adding and modifying manifest items.

Remove Removing a bulk upload manifest

If you arrive at this page through the Manifest Actions Remove button, you will be presented with a dropdown menu of your manifests in descending time order, starting with the one most recently created or modified. Select a manifest from the list to proceed.

To verify that this is really the manifest you want to delete, you may click on More  to display its details.

If you decide that you do not want to delete the manifest, you may click Cancel (which will attempt to return you to the previous page), or simply go to any other page in EMMA.

If you are certain that you want to delete the manifest, then click Delete. This will remove the manifest and its contents from your list.

Submit Submit a bulk upload manifest

If you arrive at this page through the Manifest Actions Submit button, you will be presented with a dropdown menu of your manifests in descending time order, starting with the one most recently created or modified. Select a manifest from the list to proceed.

Bulk upload submissions

The heading row of the bulk upload submission grid showing a checkbox which can be used to check/uncheck all items, and column headers "Item Name", "Validation", "File Status", "Storage Status", "Indexing Status", and "Entry Status".

On the bulk submission page you will see a table with a row for each item that could be submitted and columns for each of the submission steps for that item.

File Status
Storage Status
Indexing Status
Entry Status

Any submission step that an item has not yet progress through will show The NOT STARTED status marker, which indicates a submission step not yet reached for the given item. in the associated column.

Correct and Save Items

The Validation column is the first "step" of bulk submission, and, generally, that step has already been performed in the creation of the manifest itself. Items that have been saved and validated will have The OK status marker, which indicates a submission step that has been successfully completed for the given item. in this column, and these items are ready for the next submission step.

Items that have not yet been saved will have The UNSAVED submission status marker, with an "Edit" button to jump to that item in the manifest edit grid. in this column. Items that have been saved but are not valid will have The DATA ERROR submission status marker, with an "Edit" button to jump to that item in the manifest edit grid. in this column. Before these can be part of the submission, return to the manifest (via the Edit button on the status), make any changes required, verify that items are correct, and then save the manifest.

Identify Files

The File Status column is the next "step" of bulk submission. In general, all items will initially display The FILE NEEDED submission status marker, including the name of the remediated file that needs to be supplied. in this column, meaning that the name of the remediated content file given in the manifest needs to be located.

Due to security constraints (enforced by all web browsers), files can only be accessed by explicit command of the user by way of the selection of file(s) through the native system's "file chooser". For the bulk submission page this is invoked by clicking the button.

Files are not uploaded at this point, only identified and given internal system "handles" that can be used to access the file for upload when the submission process is initiated.

The "file chooser" that is opened is "multi-select", meaning that you can specify more than one file before pressing "Open" to select them. To simplify the process, you can select "all files" (in whatever way your native system allows) and EMMA will locate all of the files whose names match manifest items. All other files will be ignored, so your remediated files can safely coexist with many other files in the same folder.

Because the automated submission process cannot begin without these file "handles" in place, the Start button is disabled all of the needed files have been supplied.

Identify items (optional)

If, for some reason, you would like to limit the set of items that will be part of the current bulk submission action, you can check the checkboxes of just those items.

If you want to exclude a few items, you can check the checkbox in the header to checkmark all items and then uncheck the items to exclude.

If you inadvertently have checked items and want to restore the default behavior you can click the checkbox in the header to toggle the state of all items' checkboxes until all are unchecked. When all items are checked, the header checkbox is checked; when all items are unchecked, the header checkbox is unchecked; if only some items have been checked, the header checkbox displays a dash (-) to indicate an intermediate state.

If no items are checked (which is the usual case), it is assumed that all eligible items should be included in the bulk submission.

Begin the bulk submission

Once file references have been resolved, click Start to begin the submission.

During or after the submission process you may click on the to see a text-based summary of submitted item successes (or failures).

At this point, the bulk submission interface does not require any interaction and will automatically process batches of manifest items through the remaining submission steps on their way to becoming EMMA entries.

File Uploading and Storage

There are actually two parts to this step, which is why you may see status values in the Storage Status column behave a little unexpectedly. The first part is handled by the EMMA client that runs in your web browser which performs the upload-to-cache part. The second part is managed by the EMMA server.

The first part is handled by the EMMA client that runs in your web browser which perform the actual "upload" in groups of five. As they are uploaded to cloud cache storage, their respective entry in the Storage Status column will change.

As files begin to arrive in cloud cache storage they will be "processed in" to be moved into permanent cloud storage, which is the second part of this step (handled by the EMMA server). Any entry whose file fails to be moved into permanent storage (possibly due to a network error or other transient problem) will not advance.

Indexing Status

Metadata for items are submitted to the "index ingest API" to create the index entry associated with that item. As they are transmitted to the index, their respective entry in the Indexing Status column will change. Any entry whose metadata is not accepted by the index (possibly due to a network error or other transient problem) will not advance.

Entry Status

EMMA repository entries are created for manifest items. As associated EMMA database items are created, their respective entry in the Entry Status column will change. Any manifest item that has made it through this last step is now associated with an EMMA repository entry which is findable in EMMA search.