Educational Materials Made Accessible
Help with EMMA sign-in

EMMA Bibliographic Lookup Tool Help

This is a temporary interface to code being developed to support improving the usefulness of EMMA submissions by making it easy to fill in missing bibliographic metadata.

Although the target application will generate these queries from fields in the submission form, this interface allows you to create that query manually and receive the results (in JSON format) that the target code would receive.

A query can be a simple identifier like "isbn:9780521454285", or it can a search including multiple search terms. Single identifier queries return the least ambiguous results. General searches may return many items that might not be what you had in mind. Caveat emptor.

Search Terms

A query can have multiple space-separated terms. Each term must be of the form prefix:value, where prefix is either:

  • An identifier type: isbn, issn, oclc, lccn, or doi.
  • A search type: author, title, or keyword.

If the search value has a space in it, it must be surrounded by quotation marks -- either double-quotes (") or single-quotes (').

As an example, all of the following are valid searches:

  • isbn:9780385528863
  • title:Shining
  • author:"King,Stephen"
  • author:"Stephen King"
  • author:"King" title:"The Shining"