Educational Materials Made Accessible
Help with EMMA sign-in

EMMA Organization Help

Information about EMMA member organizations.

You must be signed in in order to view EMMA member organizations.


By selecting Organization from the navigation menu you can get information about your organization's details and an overview of its members' EMMA submissions.

Action Short Cuts

Each item listed on the Organization page is associated with controls to manage that item (to the left of the item details on desktop displays; at the top of the screen on mobile displays):

β€œView this %{item}”
β€œModify this %{item}”
β€œRemove this %{item}”

Clicking on will redirect your browser to a new screen that allows you to view the associated item. You may use your browser "back" button to return to this screen.

Clicking on will redirect your browser to a new screen that allows you to modify the associated item.

Clicking on will redirect your browser to a new screen that will prompt you to delete the associated item.

If your account is not authorized to perform a particular operation on an item, associated icon will not be displayed for that item.

Details View details of your EMMA member organization

This is a listing of your EMMA member organization.

Each entry in the list is preceded by action short-cuts for working with that entry.